Sky on Fire

May 12, 2011 § 7 Comments

I have been really excited about this post for sometime now! I can’t wait for you all to see these. Photos are crazy. When I look at these photos I can’t believe that I was able to capture something that could make me feel calm in the midst of my crazy busy and stressful life. It’s so awesome. Photography has given me the opportunity to pause for a minute…and that is exactly what I need sometimes!

I LOVE the colors I capture during this sunset. I feel like I am starting to be able to create a photo that actually turns out the way I saw it in my mind’s eye. That is so hard to do! Obviously I’m still learning, but now it’s starting to get way more fun!!!

I hope that this summer I’ll be able to devote much more time to my photoblog and start to make big improvements in my photography. I’m so glad I started this hobby! If there is something you’ve always wanted to do, DO IT! Even though I don’t spend that much time doing this, I am still learning and improving…and I’m in a Master’s program! There’s no excuse to procrastinate what you’ve always wanted to do. I’m so glad I’ve learned that because now I won’t be afraid to take on the next thing that comes along.

Check ’em out:

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They’re cool, huh!? I love colors of the sunset, it can provoke so many different moods in the photos. It’s amazing! Which is your favorite? Talk to me! Leave comments!!

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§ 7 Responses to Sky on Fire

  • bluemustang5 says:

    Nice photos. Especially the ones with the silhouette of trees against the sunset sky. Good work.

  • Stephanie says:

    Wow those are so vibrant! What time did you take them? They look so surreal:)

  • Miranda says:

    BOO! I looooove this pictures! Seriously, I want to frame them and display them in my house. My very favorite is the one with the trees against the sunset, with the really blue sky on top and the tiny sun peeking out at the bottom (hopefully that’s descriptive enough so you can figure out the one I mean, haha). I just love all the colors! So beautiful.

  • Cathy says:

    The pictures are wonderful. They give hope to a dark world! Thank goodness for LIGHT!

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